Page 5 - Brochure_2016_mobile
P. 5

NTEGRA AES, associated with OICE (Association of Engineering, Architec-
                                                          Itural and Technical-Economic Consulting Organizations), provides urban plan-
                                                          ning, architecture and civil engineering services. Its Technical Direction and staff
                                                          have distinguished themselves for the capacity to manage projects dealing with
                                                          a variety of topics in vast areas, among which transport, general utilities, civil
                                                          and military building and infrastructures,  restoration, with high-quality results.
                                                          In the urban planning field, INTEGRA AES can pride itself on a well-established
                                                          experience in projects, ranging from resettlement design to city requalification
                                                          and renewal intervention up to detailed aspects, such as roads, squares and wa-
                                                          Concerning building construction, the projects range from renovations, also of

                                                          monuments, to challenging public assignments (i.e. new city halls, schools, sports
                                                          and leisure facilities) and fully designed and equipped military operational ar-
                                                          eas, defining both architectural and engineering aspects to the finest detail.
                                                          Besides, managing internal processes, INTEGRA AES always pays special atten-
                                                          tion to architectural language, technology and budget interpreting client’s expec-
                                                          tations by means of innovative, high-profile engineering solutions.
               ABOU T U S                                                                                                   3
                                                          The knowledge of materials and cutting-edge construction techniques constitutes
                                                          the substructure on which INTEGRA AES grounds its planning of the execution

                                                          of the works, always keeping an eye to economic factors, easy-to-build solutions
                                                          and on-site safety.
                                                          Through its Project Management, H&S and Technical Direction Departments,
                                                          as well as thanks to an accurate communication policy and management of the
                                                          relations with Clients and Contractors, INTEGRA AES has completed numerous
                                                          projects on time, without accidents and following a precise planning and account-
                                                          ing scheme.
                                                          Among the varied services offered by INTEGRA AES, the verification finalized
                                                          to project validation is highly remarkable to verify the fulfillment of every require-
                                                          ment at each design stage. Furthermore, INTEGRA AES’ Technical Direction has
                                                          often been called in by public and private subjects, to provide them with deter-

                                                          minant consultancies to solve various juridical and extra-juridical issues.
                                                          Finally, next to the above-mentioned services, a series of activities, such as cul-
                                                          tural promotion and cooperation with universities, governmental organizations,
                                                          private associations and companies (also resulting into exhibitions or special-
                                                          ized publications), complete INTEGRA AES’ profile.
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