INTEGRA AES moving into the future towards the BIM method

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BIM (Building Information Modelling) is an advanced and innovative process, able to improve the design, execution, maintenance and management phases in relation to buildings, as well as to public and private works. Furthermore, it helps to reduce design and execution costs in conjunction with maintenance and operating costs optimization, by virtue of 3D design, cost/material databases and specific software.

The new Public Procurement Code, ratified by the Italian Government on 19 April 2016, has formalized BIM process and its use with a strong consolidation in favour of the centrality of the design and thus bringing Italy into line with countries such as the USA and Northern Europe ones, where BIM has been an integral part of project management for over a decade.

INTEGRA AES, in the framework of its avant-garde approach to business, is promptly changing its internal system, implementing such method in the operating procedures of the Society and including a good knowledge of BIM among the requirements to become part of its working team. Therefore, the Company expresses great satisfaction with the decision to make BIM process cycle compulsory in design competitions and public works execution, as laid down in the new Public Procurement Code.

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