Smart City: management tools for Intelligent Community

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On 23 march 2017, OICE presented its paper book “Smart City: uno strumento per le Comunità Intelligenti”.
INTEGRA AES business goal is aimed to assist and support engineering solutions to realize a better future in the building sector, and challenges to improve Smart cities. For its OICE partnership,  INTEGRA AES sponsored this user manual and publication (click here to download).

The volume is intended mainly for Public administrators, in order to show them concrete Smart significant achievements,  scientific contents and  purpouses that do work focusing on mobility programmes, environment, energy and on the governance of production processes; the result is a highly innovative tool as projecting interventions  through the integrated development of ICT facilities.

The intent is to promote, as a key tool to develop a Smart City, a strategic planning process, which aims to predict, plan and take actions that help to improve, continuously, the level of smartness of the city.
The Urban Development Process has been drawn and inspired on PDCA-Plan-Do-Check- Act model.

Smart City Council directions about guidelines for the “Smart City” are basically three: Livability (better quality life), Workability ( expedite economic development), Sustainability ( provide access to resources needed).

Starting a Smart project for the cities means to underline and encourage synergies between the environmental, social and economic  components in order to reduce the inefficiencies of the various sectors detailed above.

The Urban Development Project is deeply endorsed by INTEGRA AES, its business policy focus the  interest on improving environmental,  social and economic conditions through the Smart project,  to center any interest on the citizen, the end user.


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