AfDB’s Business Opportunity Forum
On Tuesday 28th April INTEGRA AES participated to African Development Bank’s business opportunity seminar. The Bank’s strategic priorities, centred on so-called five priorities and its procurement procedures, aim to strengthen ties to the private sector in member countries. Italy is one of the non-regional member Countries since 1982.
Among the key sectors presented by AfDB offering opportunities, INTEGRA AES is strongly interested in infrastructures, cities and urban development. Thanks to the experience in those sectors, accrued in the MENA region and some other African Countries, INTEGRA AES has the right conditions to expand and consolidate its presence in the Continent.
We are aware that projects funded by AfDB, along with those belonging to UN Agencies and private initiatives, fit our skills and targets, especially for the natural inclination to create JV with local Companies.
INTEGRA AES, acting as UN Global Compact signatory, moreover, shares the ethical and integrity principles underlined during the seminar
Cover image by Citizen59, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons