INTEGRA AES attended the presentation of the “OICE/ICE/Cer 2022 Report on Foreign activities of Italian engineering, architecture and consultancy companies” at the headquarters of the ICE Agency. The event saw the participation of over 120 people, including Ambassadors of foreign countries, institutions, associations and entrepreneurs.
The Report shows how the Italian design and consultancy industry is growing, following a continuous and constant trend in the last years, despite the slight decline caused by the pandemic. Italian engineering, architecture and technical-economic consultancy companies have recorded a new increase of foreign turnover in 2021 and in the first part of 2022 with 1.5 billion euro, representing around 50% of total turnover, with a projection for 2022 of +5%.
Mediterranean and Sub-Saharan Africa has been, as in the last three years, the priority geographical area for foreign activities in 2021 in terms of production value (43%). Forecasts for year 2022 confirm the data, with a growth of interest and attention for Europe, thanks to recovery plan of various EU countries and the development opportunities in the Euro area.
INTEGRA AES confirms its trend of growth in the foreign markets, operating both at international level and for important international organizations based in Italy. In recent months, interest in expanding company activities in Africa has also been confirmed at a strategic level, through the creation of a Consortium Company for the design, construction and management of Camps. We are also pleased to mention the signature of new collaboration agreements with United Nations targeted on African countries.